Blog • Vidmob is The Creative Data Company

Creative Insights You Can Act On, Generated From Your Data

Written by Alex Collmer | Oct 19, 2020 12:00:44 PM

Is My Creative Working?

If there’s one topic that keeps demand marketers up at night, it’s campaign performance. How do I increase my KPI numbers while decreasing cost? What media levers can I pull to optimize? But the piece of the puzzle that gets left on the table until the end is ad creative. Although it’s the #1 driver of advertising success, it’s still the toughest nut to crack, and thus the one marketers are most intimidated by.

Creative isn’t considered a campaign variable that can be measured and fine-tuned because it’s often viewed as subjective. In the absence of empirical data, judging ad design comes down to one person’s gut feeling versus another’s. If Person One holds rank over Person Two, they’ll inevitably win the debate.

But VidMob set out to change that. By analyzing every element of your ad creative and pitting them against your objectives, we uncover data that was previously unattainable. And, each and every day, we continue to innovate and improve our product to help marketers get better, more actionable insights.

The latest milestone of that mission? Insight Stream: a whole new way to understand the creative effectiveness of your ads — for every ad, every channel, and every audience. It’s like the Bloomberg terminal for ad creative. A core component of the Creative Studio Dashboard, Insight Stream is an always-on stream of creative insights that tell you how the visual elements in your ads are influencing consumer response. It was built to take the guesswork out of the creative process and give you a way to improve ads while your campaign is live.

Transforming Creative Everywhere

Insight Stream, like the Dashboard as a whole, was designed to empower you to make the most impactful creative decisions, in the simplest way possible. For that reason, we think it’s one of the most transformative features in Creative Studio yet, because it empowers customers with actionable insights that have measurable outcomes.


Built for Agility in Producing Intelligent Creative

A first-of-its-kind tool to help marketers produce Intelligent Creative, Insight Stream (currently in beta) uncovers insights you can act on right from within VidMob’s Creative Studio Dashboard by:

  • Monitoring every viewer interaction with every creative element in every ad run on every digital channel
  • Surfacing immediate, actionable insights on how various creative elements impact performance
  • Implementing recommendations in real-time, at the click of a button, to deliver better, smarter creative across any channel, or ad account
  • Combining powerful data analytics and creative insights to produce actionable optimizations for your creative (did we mention it’s the #1 campaign performance driver?)

Take the Tour:

Located in the very first module of the Creative Studio Dashboard, Insight Stream is available to VidMob users in beta right now, by default. If a user only sees one thing when they log in, we want it to be their customized, actionable insights.

Why Insights? Why Now?

2020 has been a transformative year for marketers everywhere, full of endless changes and learnings. From navigating the realities of COVID-impacted advertising budgets and brand strategy to keeping tabs on digital marketing trends while consumer behavior continues to evolve for good, marketers are facing mounting challenges day in and day out. For this and countless other reasons, effective creative decisions count more than ever.

Aside from testing a brand’s agility when it comes to finding the right home, or format for an advertising campaign, with multichannel strategies aplenty, these challenges mean intelligent creative is now also about delivering the right message, at the right time. For the right price. Everywhere. In real-time.

That’s all a lot to figure out on any given day, but especially right now. It means optimizing the impact of everything from the creative itself as the leading driver of advertising effectiveness, to ad length, placement, and beyond. This all amounts to a lot to plan for, a lot to predict, and even more components to measure.

We want to not only simplify all of these moving pieces marketers encounter, but also empower them with insights they’ve never had access to before. So we built Insight Stream into our Dashboard to help make creative decisions easier, and more effective for everyone.